Stockholm to Start



If one does a journey - then he has something to tell.  The first part led me to Stockholm - the Venice of the North.  When I stand here at the old town and see the movement of the water, I know why I am here. Water calms me down and it shows that time is relative and  just have to drift away sometimes. This is a nice feeling. It frees up the mind and therefore also the first stop on my trip.

Release from the everyday life and allow the new to come in.

Stockholm greets me with some drizzle weather. But nevertheless to stroll through the streets, to stop and to breathe in the fresh air. Feeling the emotions in myself when I say goodbye and exhaling these emotions with every breath. What a great feeling.



My path leaded me towards the Vasa Museum. This proud ship, which was found and then carefully lifted. When I entered the hall - this big ship greeted me. The ship with its proud appearance. It is dreamlike beautiful and it is mighty big. You get an idea of what was created here in the past.



Then it goes towards the hotel - the night slowly wraps around the city and it becomes cosy. For the night we went to the Sheraton - directly at the station and the old town the perfect place for the 23 hours stay.


The visit was of course for a farewell dinner - goodbye Europe and welcome new world. I chose the restaurant Gastrologik. Already the greeting was very friendly  and the atmosphere is warm and cosy. There is no menu and exactly - this is beautiful. Getting involved with the new and if it is only a menu. It was unexpected and a great culinary journey through Sweden and the neighbouring countries. The food was delicious and elegant. A great conclusion in the end of the day.




The next day I went towards the airport and with SAS towards New York. Check in was super fast and already sat in the Lougne and enjoyed a breakfast. The choice for SAS is quite simple - the Business Class is small but nice and the service at SAS is friendly and unagitated. So was the flight - just relaxed and good.


Arrived in the United States - Immigration done and here I am at Station 2 - New York. The City that never sleeps greets me with bright sunshine...


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Here is Tom. Just a creative, food loving, traveling guy from Frankfurt. Lets rock the world.